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Areas of application
ASPUR air purifier in practical use
Areas of use and application

Air purifier areas of application

Viruses & BacteriaGerms & SporesAllergensPollenPet hairFine and coarse dustToner dustAsthmaSmokeOdor pacticlesAerosols
With our mobile air filters, you can quickly and safely obtain purified air in a wide variety of areas and premises. Whether small or large rooms, halls, meeting rooms or in waiting rooms.
If you have any further questions about the areas of application and possible uses or are unsure whether our air purifiers are particularly suitable or not for certain areas of application, please talk to us. We will be happy to advise you. Below you will find the 5 classic areas of application where our air purifiers are already used.
Air purifier classrooms
Ideal for use in public areas.
Public areas, schools, banks
Schools, classrooms, common rooms
Kindergartens, daycare centers, nursery schools
Banks, open plan offices, conference rooms
University rooms, lecture halls
Civic offices, community halls
Air purifier areas of application
Ideal for use in catering and hotel industry.
Catering, entertainment
Restaurants, cafes, bars
Rest stops, canteens, cafeterias
Hotels, guesthouses
Receptions, recreation rooms
Lobbies, lounges
Air purifier sales
Ideal for use in commercial trade and sales.
Trade, sale, commerce
Food & beverage manufacturers
DIY stores, specialty stores
Stores, butcheries, bakeries
Supermarkets, wholesale stores
Car & dealer showrooms
Air purifier fitness center
Ideal for use in wellness, beauty and fitness studios.
Fitness, Sports, Wellness
Fitness & gym center
Wellness & beauty center
Cinemas, theaters, concert halls
Indoor swimming pools, saunas, solariums
Beauty & hairdressing salons
Air purifier healthcare
Ideal for use in healthcare.
Hospitals, clinics
Doctor's offices, waiting rooms
Therapy and rehabilitation centers
Medical centers, vaccination stations
Therapists, naturopathic practices

aspire pure air ... ... with aspur air purifiers

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ASPUR air purifier is a business unit of ASPUR air solutions
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ASPUR air purifier is a business unit of ASPUR air solutions
Gueglingstrasse 62 - D 73529 Schwaebisch Gmuend - GERMANY
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